MedECC participates in the 3rd UfM Working Group on Environment and Climate Action

MedECC has participated in the 3rd Union for Mediterranean (UfM) Working Group Meeting on Environment and Climate Action, that took place online on the 14 & 15 of March 2022. The 3rd UfM Working Group aimed to advance on the implementation of the 2021 UfM Ministerial Declaration on Environment and Climate Action adopted on the 4th of October 2021 in Cairo.

The first day was focused on countries’ progress towards the UfM Environment Agenda GreenerMed Agenda and Climate Change  work plan, linking with the SDGs; upcoming Biodiversity and Climate COPs; and related supporting projects.

The second day was dedicated to adress updates on projects that will support the development of the UfM Environment Agenda (2030 GreenerMed Agenda), including MedECC or EU projects Clima-Med and Climate for Cities.

During this meeting, Fatima Driouech, co-coordinator of MedECC presented an overview of the key findings of the MAR1 report followed by a presentation on the current 2021-2023 MedECC programme focused on the development of three Special Reports.


TOWARDS 2030: AGENDA FOR A GREENER MED. Contributing to Achieving the Environmental SDGs in the Mediterranean

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