The MAR1 Atlas of projected temperatures and precipitation changes implemented in UNEP data and knowledge platform

MapX is the cartographic component of the World Environment Situation Room (WESR), an online and digital platform developed by UNEP/GRID-Geneva and UN Environment for managing geospatial data on natural resources. In 2021, Plan Bleu has developed a dedicated project to the Mediterranean region, the “WESR: Mediterranean” that enables the access to geospatial datasets relevant for Plan Bleu/Regional Activity Center, the Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP MAP) secretariat and the contracting parties of the Barcelona Convention, in the frame of the monitoring of Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD) implementation.

In the framework of this project, MedECC collaborated on the development and publication of an atlas of maps of seasonal temperature and precipitation changes for the Mediterranean basin in MapX. These inputs are based on the Atlas of projected temperature and precipitation changes published in the First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) and coordinated by Dr Georges Zittis (The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus), Samuel Somot (CNRM, Météo-France, France) and Filippo Giorgi (International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy).

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