5 new infographics of the First Mediterranean Assessment Report

MedECC and Nigel Hawtin have developped a serie of 5 new infographics to present and highlight specific risks associated with climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean Basin. They are based on data of the First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) published in November 2020.

An infographic on climate and non-climate drivers of environmental changes in the Mediterranean basin. Based on  Chapter 2 “Drivers of change” of MAR1. 

This infographic illustrates the risks associated to climate and environmental changes on the water resources and the agricultural sector. Based on on the Chapters 3.1 “Resources, Water” and Chapter 3.2 “Resources, Food” of MAR1.

This infographic illustrates the needs for the countries of the region for an accelerated energy transition to enable a secure, sustainable and inclusive development. Based on the Subchapter 3.3 “Energy transition in the Mediterranean” of MAR1.

This infographic illustrates the impacts of environmental and climate change on terrestrial and marine mediterranean ecosystems. Based on Chapter 4 “Ecosystems” of MAR1.

This infographic represents the wide range of impacts on human health in Mediterranean countries. Based on the Chapter 5.2 “Society, Health” of MAR1.

These infographics offer a quick read of the key messages published in MAR1. They do not replace the content but they can be shared and used more easily.

These infographics are available in English for now, and will soon be availbale in French and Arabic.

Feel free to download, share, print, dissiminate and use!

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