Plenary consultation on the draft Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the MedECC report

First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1)

MedECC prepares a First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) on the current state of play and expected risks of climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean Basin. The report includes a Summary for Policymakers (SPM), which comprises the key messages of the MAR1. In total 187 authors from 25 countries contributed to the report. A first draft of MAR1 underwent in 2019 a peer review by the scientific community. The consultation with policymakers, governments, decision-makers and stakeholders on the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of MAR1 was launched on April 2020 and ended on the 30 June 2020. The comments resulting from the online consultation were analysed and the SPM has been revised accordingly.

Plenary consultation

The revised Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) was the object of the plenary consultation with policymakers, governments, decision-makers and stakeholders, which took place on 22 September 2020 (in Marseille, France and online).  Due to the sanitary situation the plenary consultation was predominantly virtual. The particular aim of the plenary consultation was to ascertain that MAR1 findings, as presented in the SPM, are fully comprehensible and unambiguous and that the remarks from the online consultation were well integrated. This meeting gathered more than 100 participants. It was attended by representatives from 15 countries.

This event was an important step in reinforcing the science-policy dialogue. The discussion was very constructive. The agreed changes are now implemented in the SPM, which should no longer be changed (except for editorial and technical modifications). At the end of the meeting the conclusions and recommendations were adopted.

Participants to the plenary session: 

  • Focal Points of the Union for the Mediterranean Climate Change Expert Group (UfM CCEG) and the UfM Environment Task Force
  • Focal Points of Plan Bleu/Regional Activity Centre (UNEP/MAP, United Nations Environment Programme / Mediterranean Action Plan) 
  • Members of the Steering Committee of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD) 
  • MedECC Coordinators, Secretariat, Steering Committee member and Coordinating Lead Authors of MAR1
  • Plan Bleu, UNEP/MAP and UfM Secretariat representatives

Download the agenda

Conclusions and recommendations

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