The National Focal Points meeting of the Regional Activity Center Plan Bleu was held by videoconference on 19-20 May 2021. This meeting was preceded by a foresight workshop on 18 May 2021 afternoon in the framework of the Med 2050 participatory foresight program.
The meeting’s objective was to allow the National Focal Points to supervise Plan Bleu’s activities and in particular:
• to examine the implementation of Plan Bleu’s Programme of work 2020-2021, and
• to discuss and give recommendations on the proposed Plan Bleu’s Programme of work for the biennium 2022-2023, prior to its submission to the Meeting of the Focal Points of the Mediterranean Action Plan and to the 22nd Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols for adoption.
During this meeting the past and proposed activities of MedECC were presented to the Plan Bleu National Focal Points.