Legal notice

© 2022 – MedECC – All rights reserved

Editor information

MedECC Secretariat
Plan Bleu
16e étage Tour la Marseillaise
2 bis, Boulevard Euroméditerranée- Quai d’Arenc
13002 Marseille 

Publishing directors 
Wolfgang Cramer, Fatima Driouech, Joël Guiot

Managing editors
Julie Gattacceca, Katarzyna Marini 

Development, design and technical maintenance
Madehook and Omnitic

Website hosting


User conditions

The use of this Website amounts to the acceptance by the user of the measures and the conditions as follows:

  1. The website is the property of the MedECC. The information it contains is published only for informative matters. The MedECC allows the users to visit the website and to download or copy some piece of information and documents (referred by the generic term “content”) for private purposes and not commercial ones, without giving them the right to resell or to distribute the content or to use it to elaborate or create by-books. Particular restrictions which may be applied to some element of the content of the website.
  2. The content of the website is delivered “as is”, without any explicit nor implicit guarantees, especially the commercial value of the information, its usefulness for any goals, and the non violation of the intellectual property rights. The MedECC proceeds regularly and without prior warning, to the adding, the modifications, the improvements and the updating of the content. In no case the MedECC can be found responsible for damage (whether it is direct, indirect, incidental, specific or consecutive), an obligation, or a spending which may be shown as the direct consequence of the use of the website, including (the enumeration cannot be restrictive) as regards any mistake, error, inaccuracy, omission, service interruption, removals of contents, delay or the fact that the website is either not up to date or incompleteThe website contains advices, opinions and assertions coming from various information sources. The MedECC neither maintains nor guarantees the accuracy or the reliability of none of them.  The user uses the website at his own risk. The user acknowledges, and agrees in particular that the MedECC is not responsible for the behavior of none of the users. 
  3. The responsibility of MedECC is not engaged, in case of computer or equipment of communication breakdown or transmission of virus, whatever the cause is, and also regarding the potential and consecutive damages. The only and unique way, which is offered, to a user not satisfied with all or part of the contents of the website or the user conditions hereby is to stop visiting the website.
  4. The MedECC reserves the exclusive right to modify, restrict or remove the website or any part of its content. In this respect, the MedECC is not compelled to take into account the needs of any user.
  5. On the website, some links to the websites owned by third parties or mentions of some websites may be found. The sites whose links are advised are not under the control of the MedECC, and therefore MedECC cannot be responsible for the contents of any of them nor any of the links they may suggest.
  6. The content and views expressed in this website may not, in any circumstances, be interpreted as stating an official position of the supporting institutions. Neither the supporting institutions nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use, which may be made of the information contained in the website. The supporting institutions does not guarantee the accuracy of the information included in the website, nor does it accept any responsibility for any use thereof. Reference to any specific products, specifications, processes or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the supporting institutions.