ARLEM 11th plenary session

The 11th plenary session of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly (ARLEM) took place in Barcelona, Spain on 22 and 23 January 2020 at the invitation of Ms Ada Colau Ballano, Mayor of Barcelona and was hosted by the Union for the Mediterranean.

The ARLEM members adopted the Action Plan for the next term of office, the Recommendations as well as the calendar for the ARLEM activities during the coming year. The Assembly also decided the topics and the rapporteurs for 2020.

The winner of the ARLEM Award 2020 to the young local entrepreneur from the Mediterranean region has been awarded at a special ceremony during the plenary.

During this meeting Dr. María del Carmen Llasat Botija (Coordinating Lead Authors of the “Introduction” chapter of the 1st Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1), Lead Author of the “Water” chapter of MAR1 and the member of MedECC Steering Committee) presented the MedECC.

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