Workshop – Climate change risk management in coastal cities
Preparation workshop ahead of the United Nations Ocean Conference The third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC 3) will be held in Nice in June 2025, under the co-presided of France…
Preparation workshop ahead of the United Nations Ocean Conference The third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC 3) will be held in Nice in June 2025, under the co-presided of France…
During a busy week of events, MedECC was invited at multiple engagements in Egypt, providing an opportunity to underline its unique role as a science-policy interface on climate and environmental…
Overview and objectives The workshop on "The Climate Change-Migration-Conflict Nexus in the Mediterranean: Lessons Learned and Future Perspectives" was held in Nicosia, Cyprus, on September 24–25, under the auspices of…
The MedCLIVAR (Mediterranean Climate Variability and Predictability) conference is a scientific meeting focused on advancing the understanding of climate variability, change and impacts in the Mediterranean region. The event brings…
Background MedECC concludes its current work programme on the production of three Special Reports and is now preparing for the launch of the Second Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR2), which is…
MedECC is pleased to have been invited to participate at the UNECE / WHO/Europe workshop focused on increasing climate resilience of water and sanitation sector in the Mediterranean Region. Hosted by…