Résumé pour tous du rapport MAR1 par le Collectif Citoyens pour le Climat / Citizens for Climate

Un résumé pour tous du Premier rapport d'évaluation sur la Méditerranée est disponible !Ce document propose un résumé en langage courant les conclusions clés du premier rapport d'évaluation sur la…

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!Hiring! Consultant – Information designer/graphic design expert – Assistance to the scientific Secretariat of MedECC

The MedECC Secretariat is looking for a graphic design expert (“Consultant”) specialized in the visualization and presentation of complex scientific information, to support the production of MedECC Special Reports from…

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MedCOP Climate 2023, the driving force of climate action at the local and regional levels in the Mediterranean

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MedCop, the meeting of Mediterranean territories for climate action Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the 3rd edition of MedCop Climate, jointly organised by the Tangier-Tetouan-Al…

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