MEDfOR September 2020 International Master Programme in Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management

Applications are now open for the MEDfOR September 2020 International Master Programme in Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management! Deadlines to apply are as follow: · 31 December 2019 for…

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Read more about the article Global probabilistic projections of extreme sea levels show intensification of coastal flood hazard (article)

Global probabilistic projections of extreme sea levels show intensification of coastal flood hazard (article)

Vousdoukas, M.I., Mentaschi, L., Voukouvalas, E., Verlaan, M., Jevrejeva, S., Jackson, L.P., Feyen, L., 2018. Global probabilistic projections of extreme sea levels show intensification of coastal flood hazard. Nat. Commun. 9, 2360.…

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Read more about the article A more effective Ramsar Convention for the conservation of Mediterranean 
wetlands (article)
Photo by Ilona Bellotto on Unsplash

A more effective Ramsar Convention for the conservation of Mediterranean 
wetlands (article)

AbstractThe Ramsar Convention is the multilateral agreement aimed at protecting wetlands globally. Wetlands are particularly recognized for their role in the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot by providing key habitats for endemic…

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wetlands (article)
Read more about the article MedECC booklet: risks associated to climate and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region (ENG, FR, AR)

MedECC booklet: risks associated to climate and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region (ENG, FR, AR)

A preliminary assessment of risk associated to climate and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region by the MedECC network in collaboration with decision-makers Keywords: climate change, Mediterranean Basin, science-policy interface…

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