National Temperature Anomalies 1880-2017 (NASA)
Temperature Anomalies by Country 1880-2017 based on NASA GISTEMP data, Climate Reality credits: Antti Lipponen
Temperature Anomalies by Country 1880-2017 based on NASA GISTEMP data, Climate Reality credits: Antti Lipponen
Abstract Coastal time series of ocean carbonate chemistry are critical for understanding how global anthropogenic change manifests in near-shore ecosystems. Yet, they are few and have low temporal resolution. At…
Bianchi C, Caroli F, Guidetti P, Morri C (2018) Seawater warming at the northern reach for southern species: Gulf of Genoa, NW Mediterranean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the…
Abstract Rising extreme sea levels (ESLs) and continued socioeconomic development in coastal zones will lead to increasing future flood risk along the European coastline. We present a comprehensive analysis of…
Enriquez, A.R., Marcos, M., Alvarez-Ellacuria, A., Orfila, A., Gomis, D. (2017) Changes in beach shoreline due to sea level rise and waves under climate change scenarios: application to the Balearic…
Abstract Background Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have increased summer temperatures in Spain by nearly one degree Celsius on average between 1980 and 2015. However, little is known about the extent…