The Summary for Policymakers of the 1st Mediterranean Assessment Report acknowledged in UfM Ministerial Declaration

The 2nd Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial Conference on Environment and Climate Action The Ministers from the 42 Member countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) gathered on 4…

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Read more about the article The possible role of Ziziphus lotus as an ecosystem engineer in semiarid landscapes
Ziziphus lotus (azufaifo) en Cartagena (Spain).

The possible role of Ziziphus lotus as an ecosystem engineer in semiarid landscapes

Abstract Positive interactions between nurse plants and their facilitated species are most notable in dry/high-elevation habitats. Plants that modify limiting resources or constraining variables creating an even stronger positive impact on the…

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Read more about the article Contrasted patterns in climate change risk for Mediterranean fisheries
Bab Sharqi WA Wabour Al Meyah, Egypt. Photo by Oziel Gómez from Pexels

Contrasted patterns in climate change risk for Mediterranean fisheries

Abstract: Climate change is rapidly becoming one of the biggest threats to marine life, and its impacts have the potential to strongly affect fisheries upon which millions of people rely.…

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