Workshop of the UfM Working Group Meeting on Urban Regeneration: How to Address Sea-level Rise and Coastal Flooding in Urban Projects

In the context of the UfM Strategic Urban Development Action Plan 2040, UfM Member States are advised to map trends, risks and challenges with a view to factoring them in their national urban policies (NUPs) and integrated city development strategies (ICDSs). The meeting was a first…

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Conference: impacts of climate change at a territorial scale : focus on the Mediterranean and PACA Region

The group "Développement Durable et Changement Climatique" of the Aix-Marseille University organised on Wednesday, 26 May 2021 a conference on the impacts of climate change at a territorial scale. The…

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Dialogue “Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean: Grasping the Scope of the Challenge”

The dialogue Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean: Grasping the Scope of the Challenge was held on 19 May 2021 through Zoom Platform and Live in YouTube channel of « La Caixa »…

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