Call for experts: Steering Committee and Co-Coordinator positions


MedECC concludes its current work programme on the production of three Special Reports and is now preparing for the launch of the Second Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR2), which is set for publication in 2028. MAR2 will update the MAR1, providing crucial scientific insights on climate and environmental challenges in the Mediterranean, building on new research advancements and identifying key knowledge gaps. In the framework of this new work programme, MedECC is seeking three to four new members to join its Steering Committee (SC) and Co-Coordinators to help guide and manage its activities. We are also calling for self-nominations for two to three MAR2 Co-Coordinators. This is a valuable opportunity for experts and scientists to contribute to MedECC’s missions, such as shaping the MAR2, and engaging in the crucial Mediterranean science-policy dialogue.

Opportunities Available

For more details on MedECC’s governance, organisation please refer to the Terms of Reference and the Steering Committee charter document.

Central to MedECC’s mission is the voluntary contribution of experts, representing a collective effort within the scientific community. Logistical support for key activities is provided, and limited funds are available to compensate for some travel related to MedECC representation.

Steering Committee (SC) Member: The SC is the core of the governance of MedECC. It consists of committed experts and scientists who represent all major scientific disciplines relevant to the goals of MedECC, and who participate voluntarily in a personal capacity. SC members serve on a voluntary basis and in a personal capacity. Members play a crucial role in enhancing the work program, supporting, and promoting the activities and initiatives of the MedECC network. The appointement is for an initial period of four years. The appointment can be prolonged by a maximum of four years.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Contributing to the development and guidance of the MAR2 report, including the approval for authors, review process, and nominating SC members and MedECC coordinators,
  • Improving the visibility and credibility of the Mediterranean science-policy interface on climate and environmental change built by the MedECC,
  • Promoting MedECC activities and initiatives within their respective scientific communities and national policymakers,
  • Attend one to two meetings per year.

MedECC Co-Coordinator: Co-Coordinators are key leaders responsible for overseeing and managing all MedECC activities in close collaboration with the scientific Secretariat. Candidates for this role are sought with significant experience in topics of high relevance to MedECC and a demonstrated strong commitment to advancing MedECC’s mission. Co-Coordinators are expected to be willing to attend relevant fora to present raise awareness, encourage participation, and present MedECC activities. Time commitment can vary depending on the period of work, and is typically between 10 to 20% of their time. As with all roles in MedECC, this is voluntary community contribution. The Co-Coordinators are elected by the SC for an initial four year period that can be renewed only once for an additional two years.

Assessment Co-Coordinator: Experts in this role will be responsible for overseeing the preparation of the MAR2 assessment report, including its Summary for Policymakers (SPM), ensuring that the report is completed to the highest scientific standard, in a timely manner and that it addresses the key scoping questions. Depending on the period, the role may require up to 30% of the Co-Coordinator’s time, especially during key phases of the report’s development. Assessment Co-Coordinators participate in coordination meetings, including author meetings, the Plenary Consultation, and outreach events. They work in close collaboration with the MedECC Secretariat and MedECC Co-Coordinators. As with all MedECC contributions, the role of Assessment Coordinator is voluntary.


Applications are open to PhD holders with a strong scientific expertise in climate and environmental sciences and policy in the Mediterranean, demonstrated by publications, as well as involvement in regional projects.

MedECC is particularly welcoming expressions of interest from scientists with expertise in topics related to climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean such as recent trends for the region, impacts and risk, likely future development and the consequences of environmental change for natural systems, the economy, sustainable development, and human well-being. Applicants with a strong experience in project coordination are particularly welcome. 

Applicants must be proficient in English, as MedECC operates in this language. 

Selection will be based on the candidate’s expression of interest, and evaluated against his/her expertise. The selection will take into account the gender and geographical balance. MedECC values diversity and encourages applications from women and individuals from under-represented regions and countries.


The call application is entirely web-based.The call is open from 19 September 2024 to 20 October 2024. Applicants must submit the following:

All information in the applications submitted must be in English.

Selection Process

Shortlisted applicants may be invited for a telephone or online interview, tentatively scheduled for early November 2024. The selection of members will be completed and announced to each individual applicant by the end of November 2024. All applicants will be contacted directly regarding the outcome of the process

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