Call for Experts: review of the MedECC Special Report on Climate and environmental coastal risks in the Mediterranean

The external review which started in mid-May 2023 for a period of 6 weeks has been extended to ensure a successful review and will now close on 17 July 2023. It will not be possible to provide comments after this date. Experts and scientists can register until 5 july 2023.

The MedECC is pleased to have launched the external review of the MedECC Special Report on climate and environmental coastal risks in the Mediterranean.

The external review which started mid-May 2023 for a period of 6 weeks has been extended to ensure a successful review and will now close on 17 July 2023. It will not possible to provide comments after this date. Peer-scientists and experts are encouraged to submit their self-declaration of expertise to become external reviewer of the First Order Draft, including the draft of the Summary for Policymakers. 


The 2021-2023 work of MedECC focuses on preparing three Special Reports on i) coastal risks, ii) climate-water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus, iii) environmental change, conflict and human migration. These new reports follow the First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) on environmental and climate changes in the Mediterranean region published by MedECC in November 2020. The scoping meeting of the Special Report report on coastal risks was held online in July 2021, and the draft outline was validated by the MedECC Steering Committee. The authors were appointed on the basis of their expertise following a call for self-nominations, the submission of detailed CVs, and a validation by the MedECC Steering Committee. The author team developed a Zero Order Draf (ZOD) that underwent an internal review in December 2022. They are now working on a First Order Draft (FOD) which will undergo the external peer-review by scientific experts. The table of contents of the Zero Order Draft (subject to minor modifications for the FOD) is available here.

Who can participate?

We invite the researchers representing the full range of scientific, technical and socio-economic views and backgrounds to apply to become a reviewer. The review is open to PhD holders and other experts with a solid experience in the fields covered by the report. The report counts about 100 pages. However, if you become a reviewer, you do not need to review the whole report, you may restrict your review to the parts for which you have the best expertise. These are not anonymous reviews and expert reviewers will be recognized for their valuable contribution with their name, affiliation, and country of residence being acknowledged and published.

How to apply

In order to apply to become an external reviewer of the MedECC report, complete the online registration form. Selected participants will be contacted with further information about the review process. If for some reasons you can not access the online form, you can download the form here and send it completed to the MedECC Secretariat. The external review will notw close on 17 July 2023.

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