Scientific news

The scientific knowledge on climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean evolves rapidly. In this section we collect and present the recently published scientific articles, reports, books, policy papers and other contents on these issues. Do not hesitate to contact us and share with us the publications of an interest to the community.


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Wolff, C., Nikoletopoulos, T., Hinkel, J., & Vafeidis, A. T. (2020). Future urban development exacerbates coastal exposure in the Mediterranean. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-11. Abstract Changes in the spatial patterns and rate of urban development will be one of the main determinants…...

The article "Méditerranée : le rapport du réseau MedECC tire la sonnette d’alarme !" (in French) prepared by Katarzyna Marini (MedECC Science Officer), Joël Guiot (CNRS, MedECC Coordinator) and Wolfgang Cramer (CNRS, MedECC Coordinator) has been published in INSU/CNRS news…...

AbstractDroughts can have strong environmental and socio-economic impacts in the Mediterranean region, in particular for countries relying on rain-fed agricultural production, but also in areas in which irrigation plays an important role and in which natural vegetation has been modified…...

Significance One of the most impactful aspects of climate change is the potential change in water availability. Large populations live in Mediterranean-like regions—so-called because they receive most of their precipitation in winter and experience dry, hot summers—which are highly vulnerable…...

The United in Science 2020 Report has been compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) under the direction of the United Nations Secretary-General to bring together the latest climate science related updates from a group of key global partner organizations – WMO, Global…...

AbstractIt is well established that Africa is particularly exposed to climate extremes including heat waves, droughts, and intense rainfall events. How exposed Africa is to the co‐occurrence of these events is however virtually unknown. This study provides the first analysis…...