Scientific news

The scientific knowledge on climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean evolves rapidly. In this section we collect and present the recently published scientific articles, reports, books, policy papers and other contents on these issues. Do not hesitate to contact us and share with us the publications of an interest to the community.


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The Sustainable Development Report 2019 – Mediterranean Countries Edition is a synthetic review of the fourth edition of the Sustainable Development Report 2019, including integrated contents and tables editing, specifically focusing on 23 Mediterranean countries. It was drafted by a…...

Abstract This is an update of Sobrino et al.’s paper, published in January 2020, which extends the calculation of the Earth’s surface temperature to the period 2003–2019 and uses the new version 2019.0 for the sea surface temperature product MODIS,…...

ABSTRACT Higher precipitation is expected over most of the world’s continents under climate change, except for a few specific regions where models project robust declines. Among these, the Mediterranean stands out as a result of the magnitude and significance of…...

Abstract Syria recently suffered a once in 500-year meteorological drought followed by one of the worst conflicts of the twenty-first century. We exploit subnational variation in drought impact to examine associations between climatic stress and Syria’s political unrest. Climatic stress…...

Abstract This study uses the results of 28 CMIP5 global climate projections to link regional climate extremes in the Mediterranean region to the global mean annual surface temperature change. It shows that global warming will further increase the existing difference…...

Otto, I. M., Donges, J. F., Cremades, R., Bhowmik, A., Hewitt, R. J., Lucht, W., ... & Lenferna, A. (2020). Social tipping dynamics for stabilizing Earth’s climate by 2050. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(5), 2354-2365. Significance Achieving a…...