Scientific news

The scientific knowledge on climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean evolves rapidly. In this section we collect and present the recently published scientific articles, reports, books, policy papers and other contents on these issues. Do not hesitate to contact us and share with us the publications of an interest to the community.


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Abstract Climate change associated sea-level rise (SLR) is expected to have profound impacts on coastal areas, affecting many species, including sea turtles which depend on these habitats for egg incubation. Being able to accurately model beach topography using digital terrain…...

Highlights French GHG emissions from agricultural and forest sectors were estimated. A long-term trajectory (1852–2014) was reconstructed for N2O, CH4, CO2. GHG emissions have grown four-fold since 1852, to 120,000 CO2 Eq yr−1in the 2000s. GHG emissions have only stabilised, in spite of…...

A series of EDA Insights, New Governance for the Environment in the Arab Region has been recently launched. The series explores ways for governments and other regional stakeholders to support stronger regional environmental governance, which is key not only to…...

Abstract Projected warming and drying trends over the Mediterranean region represent a substantial threat for wheat production. The present study assesses winter wheat yield response to potential climate change and estimates the quantitative effectiveness of using early flowering cultivars and…...

The IPCC approved and accepted Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems at its 50th Session held on 2 – 7 August 2019. The…...

This report – the first ever inter-governmental global assessment on biodiversity – has been prepared by 150 leading experts from 50 countries, with backgrounds from natural and social sciences and the support of other 250 experts collaborating to the Intergovernmental…...