Résumé pour tous du rapport MAR1 par le Collectif Citoyens pour le Climat / Citizens for Climate

Un résumé pour tous du Premier rapport d'évaluation sur la Méditerranée est disponible !Ce document propose un résumé en langage courant les conclusions clés du premier rapport d'évaluation sur la…

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The MAR1 Atlas of projected temperatures and precipitation changes implemented in UNEP data and knowledge platform

MapX is the cartographic component of the World Environment Situation Room (WESR), an online and digital platform developed by UNEP/GRID-Geneva and UN Environment for managing geospatial data on natural resources.…

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Read more about the article MedECC booklet: risks associated to climate and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region (ENG, FR, AR)

MedECC booklet: risks associated to climate and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region (ENG, FR, AR)

A preliminary assessment of risk associated to climate and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region by the MedECC network in collaboration with decision-makers Keywords: climate change, Mediterranean Basin, science-policy interface…

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