Robin Degron

Plan Bleu / France


A former student of ENA (Promotion Romain Gary) and ENGREF, Robin Degron has held several positions in decentralised services, operators and central services of the Ministry of the Environment (ONF, DIREN, International Affairs Department, General Commission for Sustainable Development) before being appointed special advisor to the General Commissioner for Strategy and Foresight (France Stratégie). He was notably editor-in-chief of the Environment Report in France and co-editor of the State of Environment Report of the European Environment Agency (EEA) at the time of the Grenelle.

For thirty years, he has worked on governance and financing of sustainable development. He also had international professional experience at the UN Geneva, the WTO, the ILO and UNESCO. Finally, it is invested in bilateral cooperation projects in Africa (e.g. Guinea, Senegal, Mauritania, Morocco).

He is the new Director Robin Degron at Plan Bleu takes since 2024. Aware of the urgency of redefining an approach to environmental sustainability and development in the region, Robin Degron wants to see local and international initiatives and collaborations accelerate and intensify.