Marianela Fader

Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich / Germany 


Prof. Dr. Marianela Fader is a full professor at the Department of Geography at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Her chair has the title “Chair for Physical Geography and Nexus Research”. She studied Physical Geography in Göttingen with a focus on climate change, hydrology and remote sensing. She did her PhD at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research on virtual water flows from global trade of agricultural products. She has been, among others, a consultant to the World Bank on climate change impacts, a senior researcher at the Mediterranean Institute of Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology in France, and the deputy director of the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change in Koblenz, Germany. Prof. Fader also teaches classes in Physical Geography and supervises PhD, master and bachelor thesis. She currently chairs several international research groups working on different sustainability topics.

At present, she leads research focuses on modelling large-scale interactions between water, food, energy and ecosystems. Climate change impacts on food security and irrigation water needs, land use change, and biophysical constraints to food production are also main research foci in her group.