Rachid Mrabet

National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA) / Morocco 


Rachid Mrabet earned a Ph.D. in Agronomy from Colorado State University in 1997.  He is the Research Director at the National Institute of Agricultural Research in Rabat, Morocco, with expertise in conservation agriculture, sustainable soil and crop management, carbon sequestration, food security, and climate change.With a strong publication record, Rachid Mrabet has authored 20 books, 66 book chapters, and 84 peer-reviewed papers. He has received seven awards and have been involved in over 60 projects.

He has played key roles as a Coordinating Lead Author for the IPCC Working Group on Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) and for the MedECC MAR1 report. He has also contributed to the UNEP GEO-7 report. He is also an international consultant, Vice President of the World Association of Soil and Water Conservation (WASWAC), a member of the International Conservation Agriculture Advisory Panel for Africa, and a Commissioner at the IUCN.