One of the MedECC coordinators, Prof. Dr Wolfgang Cramer, and the Coordinating Lead Author (CLA) of the 1st Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1), “Society” chapter (“Human security” sub-chapter), Prof. Dr. Vally Koubi, participated to the expert exchange meeting entitled “Deep roots of migration, environmental and climate change: Exploring emerging drivers of human mobility in the Mediterranean”on 17 December 2019 in Barcelona (Spain). This event was jointly organized by the Higher Education and Research Division of the Union for the Mediterranean and EuroMedMig, and the outputs from the meeting will feed into a policy paper for the EuroMedMig Policy Papers Series.
The main purpose of the event was to facilitate the exchanges of experts and researchers across Mediterranean countries coming from Algeria, Catalonia, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Lebanon, Morocco, Poland, Spain, Tunisia and the United