The MedECC experts have been actively contributing to discussions and events addressing climate and environmental challenges. These engagments highlight MedECC’s commitment to addressing these issues through international collaboration and scientific expertise. Here are some of their significant involvements:
Teaching the teachers! European School of Varese, Italy - 2 October 2023
Joël Guiot, MedECC co-coordinator (CEREGE, CNRS, France), delivered a training lecture to 200 teachers of the lecture entitled “What the science tells us on the climate emergency in the Mediterranean Basin and Europe”, stressing the importance of understanding climate science in educational settings.
Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Science Diplomacy, Barcelona, Spain - 3 October 2023
Fatima Driouech, MedECC co-coordinator (University Mohammed VI, Morocco), participated in the Plenary Session discussing “What is the state of the art of science diplomacy in the Mediterranean?” contributing to the broader discourse on the role of science in diplomatic efforts. During the Conference, she highlighted the critical role of the MedECC network in briding the gap between science and policy.
Conference "Cross-border climate change impacts and systemic risks in Europe and beyond" Potsdam, Germany - 16-18 October 2023

Les Rendez-vous du Plan Bleu #6, Online – 12 October 2023. MedECC experts warned about extreme events in the Mediterranean presented and warned about extreme events in the Mediterranean region. The online event served as a platform for in-depth discussions on climate challenges. including Joël Guiot, María-Carmen Llasat, Roula Majdalani, and Arnau Queralt Bassa.
Euro-Mediterranean Meeting of Economic and Social Councils on Climate Change and Migration, Alicante, Spain - 10-11 October 2023
Marie-Claire Boillot (UfM Secretariat), member of MedECC Steering Committee participated as a panelist shedding light on the future prospects of Europe and the Mediterranean. She higlighted the ongoign work on the Special Report on environmental change, conflicts and human migrations.
Conference "Cross-border climate change impacts and systemic risks in Europe and beyond" Potsdam, Germany - 16-18 October 2023

Philippe Drobinski (LMD-IPSL, CNRS, France), co-coordinator of the Special Report on interlinking climate change with water-energy-food-ecosystems (WEFE) nexus, delivered a presentation titled “Sustainable Development, Climate Change, and Mediterranean Area: A Nexus Approach”, offering insights into collaborative efforts in addressing interconnected climate change challenges.
Climate Action event DG-NEAR, Brussels, Belgium - 24 October 2023
Joël Guiot (CEREGE, CNRS, France) participated the event organized by the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement – NEAR, European Commission, emphasizing MedECC’s role in contributing to climate action at the Euro-Mediterranean level. More info here.
Workshop on "Geopolitics of Climate Change in the Middle East and North Africa," Casablanca, Morocco - 9 November 2023

This event brought together international experts for in-depth discussions on the intricate challenges within the climate change-geopolitics nexus in the MENA region.Manfred Lange (Cyprus Institute, Cyprus), co-coordinator of the Special Report on environmental change, conflicts, and human migrations, contributed to the workshop discussing the interplay between climate change, migration, and stability in the Mediterranean and the MENA Region.
Ecomondo, the green technology expo, Rimini, Italy - 7-10 November 2023
Fabio Santeramo (University of Foggia, Italy – Special Report on interlinking climate change with water-energy-food-ecosystems (WEFE) nexus) participated in the Panel focusing on earth observation and advanced technologies for making agriculture more resilient against extreme events. Find more about the event here.
UfM 7th Task Force on Environment, Brussels, Belgium - 15 November 2023
Philippe Drobinski (LMD-IPSL, CNRS, France), co-coordinator of the Special Report on interlinking climate change with water-energy-food-ecosystems (WEFE) nexus was invited to present MedECC activities on the topic. UfM Press Release.
23rd meeting of the Contracting Parties of Barcelona Convention (COP 23) was held in Portorož, Slovenia, 5 to 8 December 2023
Representatives from 21 Mediterranean countries, stakeholders, policymakers, and experts, including MedECC, gathered to address environmental issues. The MedECC delegation, including Piero Lionello (University of Salento, Italy) and the MedECC Secretariat, Julie Gattacceca and Kasia Marini, attended.
The COP endorsed the Summary for Policymakers of MedECC’s Special Report on climate and environmental coastal risks and adopted the Portoroz Ministerial Declaration, supporting evidence-based environmental policies in the Mediterranean. These decisions strengthened MedECC’s role as a science-policy interface in addressing regional climate challenges.
United Nations Climate Change Conference 2023 (UNFCCC COP 28), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 30 November - 12 December 2023