A meeting of Mediterranean parliamentarians and stakeholders dedicated to “Launching a new Decade of Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean” was held at the Parliament of the Kingdom of Morocco, in Rabat, on the 17th of December 2019. The meeting also constituted the 14th Meeting of the Circle of Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development (COMPSUD) since 2002.
It meeting was an opportunity for Parliamentarians and other Stakeholders to receive first- hand information from high level officials and experts of regional and international organizations and bodies active in the Mediterranean region, presenting the state-of-the art policies and good practices on key issues such as marine litter and plastic pollution, the use of non-conventional water resources, coastal wetlands protection, etc.
The preliminary results of the 1st Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) prepared by the MedECC were presented by Prof. Dr Maria Snoussi, member of MedECC Steering Committee and Coordinating Lead Author (CLA) of MAR1.
During this meeting High-level Moroccan officials, representatives of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), UN Environment Programme/MAP, the League of Arab States (LAS), Parliamentarians, Members of COMPSUD (Circle of Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development), COMJESD (Circle of Mediterranean Journalists for Environment and Sustainable Development), other Media, Scientists and other representatives of Civil Society (from Albania, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Slovenia, Tunisia and Turkey) agreed on the Rabat Declaration.