MedCLIVAR-SISC 2024 conference

The MedCLIVAR (Mediterranean Climate Variability and Predictability) conference is a scientific meeting focused on advancing the understanding of climate variability, change and impacts in the Mediterranean region. The event brings together researchers to share the latest scientific knowledge and foster collaboration among international experts. It strongly encourages the participation of early career researchers, providing them with a platform to present their work and engage with the wider scientific community.

MedECC contributed to the most recent edition, the MedCLIVAR-SISC 2024 Conference, held at the University of Salento in Lecce, Italy, from 24 to 27 September 2024.

Session 10 – Climate Adaptation Strategies

Piero Lionello (University of Salento, Italy) presented key findings from the MedECC Special Report Climate and environmental coastal risks in the Mediterranean, which he co-coordinates, on how multiple drivers of change—climate, pollution, biological, and socio-economic processes—affect the Mediterranean coastal zone, detailing their evolution, impacts, risks, adaptation actions, and pathways for sustainable development.

Author(s): Salpie Djoundourian, Piero Lionello, María Carmen Llasat, Mohamed Abdrabo, Murat Belivermis, Z. Selmin Burak, Dario Camuffo, Nathalie Hilmi, José A. Jiménez, Suzan Kholeif, Stefano Moncada, Anna Pirani, Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla, Athanasios Vafeidis

Ahmed Kenawy (Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología, CSIC, Spain) shared the key findings on the Special report Interlinking climate change with the water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus in the Mediterranean Basin, as a Coordinating Lead Author of the Report. His insights as a Coordinating Lead Author highlighted the interconnected nature of these domains and their significance for sustainable development in the region. 

Author(s): Philippe Drobinski, Marta G. Rivera Ferre, Mohamed Abdel Monem, Assem Abu Hatab, Mohamed Behnassi, Tarik Chfadi, Wolfgang Cramer, Marta Debolini, Fatima Driouech, Joël Guiot, Ahmed El-kenawy, Margarita García-vila, Emilia Lamonaca, Feliu López-i-gelats, Žiga Malek, Maria P. Papadopoulou, Fabio G. Santeramo

Session 11 – Open Session on Mediterranean Climate Issues

Audrey Brouillet (IRD, France), Coordinating Lead Author of the ongoing MedECC Special Report Environmental Change, conflicts, and human migration presented the links between environmental shifts, migration patterns, and conflict dynamics, emphasizing the pressing need for informed policymaking in the Mediterranean region.

Author(s): Manfred A. Lange, Roula Majdalani, Eda Acara, Audrey Brouillet, Wolfgang Cramer, Cagdas Dedeoglu, Andrea Dessì, Fatima Driouech, Joël Guiot, Roman Hoffman, Vally Koubi, Lena Reimann, Jürgen Scheffran, Ourania Tzoraki, Jan Wilkens, George Zittis.

The MedCLIVAR-SISC 2024 Conference was co-organised by the University of Salento, the Italian Society for Climate and Science (SISC) and the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change (CMCC). The next MedCLIVAR conference will take place in Cyprus in early autumn 2026 and will be hosted by the Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre of the Cyprus Institute.

For further information about MedClivar network, visit their website.

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