MedECC at Ecomondo 2024: Mediterranean sea level rise, the phantom menace?

The 27th edition of the Green Technology Expo Ecomondo 2024 (lien vers Ecomondo) took place in Rimini, Italy, with this year a special focus on Africa. From the 5th to the 7th of November, Ecomondo brought together visitors like policymakers, entrepreneurs, researchers and students around innovative solutions that will help shape our sustainable future.

On November 6th, Dario Camuffo, researcher at the National Research Council / Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (Italy), represented the MedECC at the event “Mediterranean sea level rise, the phantom menace?”, organised by Ecomondo, Union for the Mediterranean and The European House Ambrosetti. 

He brought his expertise on the subject, speaking of the sea level rise and storm surges flooding Venise, past, present and future. Sea level in the Mediterranean could reach a meter by the end of the century, and the effect becomes more severe in some areas such as Venice when it couples with land subsidence. 

From awareness to action, the conference presented multiple points of view and findings around sea level in the Mediterranean: the economics of sea level rise, the delta “soft-spots” with the examples of the Nile and the Po basins, solutions in agriculture and nature such as erosion and salinization…

To learn more about the challenges of the Mediterranean, consult the summary for policymakers of our latest report of Coastal Risks in the region here.

This report, coordinated by a team of lead scientists including Dario Camuffo, assesses environmental and climate change hazards in the coastal zone and the related risks in the Mediterranean, as well as adaptation options and solutions.

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