Join us for a serie of side events at the Mediterranean Pavilion (Blue Zone)
The MedECC will be actively participating at the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2022 COP 27 ( 6-18 Nov, 2022, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt) as a partner of the Mediterranean Pavilion, the first of its kind to be implemented in the history of the COP’s. The initiative is conceived to highlight both the urgent challenges the region is currently facing, and the innovative solutions already being developed throughout the Mediterranean, raising awareness on a region overlooked in the climate negotiations. As partner of the Mediterranean Pavilion, MedECC will be present in Sharm el-Sheik, is organising two side-events and MedECC members are participating in partner’s events. Most events will be shared on the YouTube Channel.
MedECC Side-events
Assessments of scientific knowledge on climate change to support evidence-based decision-making
10 November 2022, 14:45 – 15:45 (UTC+2, CET+1)
This event will present the most recent scientific results on climate and environmental changes in the Mediterranean (MedECC, IPCC, RICARR iniatitive). The science-policy interface in the Mediterranean will be discussed in order to understand how these results help developing policies on deifferent levels to construct together a sustainable future for the region.
Speakers and panellists:
Piero Lionello, University of Salento Italy (IPCC, MedECC, MedClivar)
Wolfgang Cramer, CNRS, France (MedECC, IPCC)
Carol Chouchani Cherfane, Director Arab Center for Climate Change Policies, RICCAR Coordinator, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), Lebanon
Elham Ali, Suez University, Egypt (IPCC, MedECC)
Fatima Driouech, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco (IPCC, MedECC)
Nathalie Hilmi, Monaco Scientific Centre, Monaco (IPCC, MedECC)
Arnau Queralt Bassa, Director, Advisory Council for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia of the Government of Catalonia, Spain (MedECC)
Climate Change and Security in the Mediterranean Region
12 November 2022, 17.30 – 18:30 (UTC+2, ETC+1)
This event will present the weaknesses and strengths of the Mediterranean region facing political, socio-economic and environmental threats. The event will discuss the concept of multiple risks induced by climate and environmental changes and amplified by these threats and will show that any positive evolution cannot be achieved without respecting sustainable development goals. A particular attention will be brought on conflicts and migrations, the energy transition as well as the water-energy nexus, and how a strong cooperation framework has multiple co-benefits for security.
Speakers and panellists:
Mohamed Behnassi, Senior Environmentalist Expert, Economic Social & Environmental Council (ESEC) & Director, Center for Environment, Human Security & Governance (CERES), Rabat, Morocco (MedECC)
Wolfgang Cramer, CNRS, France (MedECC, IPCC)
Andrea Dessi, Scientific Director, New Med Research Network, Head, Italian Foreign Policy programme, Istituto Affari Internazionali IAI, Italy (MedECC)
Roula Majdalani, Senior Climate Advisor, ICARDA – One CGIAR, Lebanon (MedECC)
Silvia Pariente-David, Consultant on energy and climate change (MedECC)
Partners' events with MedECC
Coastal adaptation across the Mediterranean: solutions driven by cities network (Plan Bleu and Ocean and Climate Platform)
12 November 2022, 11:15 – 12:15 (UTC+2, CET+1)
Based on the alarming conclusions of the latest scientific work on climate issues, this event aims to mobilise networks of actors involved in the adaptation of coastal cities in the Mediterranean basin. Coastal cities aggregate a set of vulnerabilities that climate change exacerbates. Scientists, cities networks, elected officials and NGOs are organising to warn, accompany and advance the planning sustainable responses. Integrating all the issues in a process of co-construction remains a huge challenge that each participant in this event is trying to meet, collectively.
Speakers and panellists: Théophile Bongarts Lebbe (Ocean & Climate Platform), Maya Negev (University of Haifa, Israel, MedECC), Philippe Meunier (Director General AVITEM, France), Josep Canals (Executive Director, MedCities) and Lisa Devignol (Sea’ties Project Officer, Ocean and Climate Platform)
Adaptation in coastal zones: from science to action (PAP/RAC, UNEP/MAP)
12 November 2022, 12:30 – 13:30 (UTC+2, CET+1)
Issues related to climate and environmental risks along Mediterranean coasts will be discussed by scientists and decision-makers, based on MedECC reports and the experience of UNEP/MAP Components – PAP/RAC and Plan Bleu. Successful cases of climate action through coastal plans, Climagine participatory method and local foresight will be presented. It will be shown: how science may support climate action and informed decision-making; how integrated approach leads to sound policy solutions; and how timely stakeholder engagement matters when it comes to implementation.
Speakers and panellists: Željka Škaričić and Daria Povh Škugor (PAP/RAC), Coline Mias (Plan Bleu), Piero Lionello (University of Salento, co-coordinator of MedECC Special Report on coastal risks) and Tatjana Hema (UNEP/MAP Director)
Conservation of Mediterranean Sea ecosystems under the climate crisis: challenges and adaptive solutions in a sea facing fast tropicalization (Prof. Gil Rilov, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR), under the auspice of the EU project, FutureMARES)
14 November 2022, 16:15 -17:15 (UTC+2, CET+1)
The Mediterranean Sea is a global hotspot of biodiversity but also of climate change and bioinvasions, both leading to rapid biodiversity shifts. Such shifts become a huge challenge for achieving marine
conservation targets set by national and international policies and directives. In the Event, we will present the problems and discuss possible needed adaptive approaches in the implementation and monitoring of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and restoration actions in the face of climate change. The EU HORIZON-2020 project, FutureMARES will be presented. It investigates the impacts of climate change on marine biodiversity and ecosystem services, and examines relevant Nature-based Solutions (NbS).
Speakers and panellists: Prof. Dr. Gil Rilov (Senior Scientist, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR), Israel and MedECC member), Dr. Joaquim Garrabou (Institut de Ciències del Mar, Spain and MedECC member), Dr. Carol Turley (Merit Scientist, Head of International Office, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK), Carole Martinez (Policy Manager of MedPan), Prof. Michael Scoullos (Chairman of MIO-ECSDE)
The importance of R&I in the fight against climate change in the Mediterranean (PRIMA)
15 November 2022 10:00 – 11:00 (UTC+2, CET+1)
The Mediterranean is one of the hotspots for climate change leading to severe consequences such as rainfall decrease, increase of water demand, sea level increase, heavy storms, wildfires with important impacts on agriculture, food security, health, social unrest and migrations. To cope with these challenges, knowledge is essential and the basis for all mitigation and adaptation measures. This event will adress the needs of the development of robust systems of R&I and the building of intersectoral solutions across different disciplines and stakeholders.
Speakers and panellists: Wolfgang Cramer (Co-coordinator of MedECC), Alvaro Albacete (Deputy SG of UfM), Omar Amawi (Deputy Deputy Director PRIMA), Octavi Quintana (Director, PRIMA) and Clara de la Torre (Deputy DG CLIMA)
Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus approach: An adaptation Strategy to cope with climate change in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA)
16 November 2022, 10:00- 11:00 (UTC+2, CET+1)
Climate change affects the Mediterranean region significantly more than the world average, endangering the sustainable provision of water, energy, food, and ecosystem services. The region is more vulnerable to climate change impacts than other regions. Water scarcity will likely increase in the next decades because of climate change. Moreover, agricultural practices aimed at increasing yields have led to enhanced water use for irrigation. Continued intensification of agricultural practices will result in adverse consequences for water resources, biodiversity, and landscape functioning. This is combined with enhanced disturbances of environmental integrity, overexploitation of ecosystem services and a growing tendency towards desertification.
Speakers and panellists: Jann Th. Martinsohn (Head of Unit, Water and Marine Resources Directorate-General Joint Research Centre), Mohamed Abdel Monem (FAO Senior Advisor and MedECC expert), Jauad El Kharraz (RECREEE-Egypt – Executive director), Rafik Aini(Ministry of Agriculture/Tunisia, Rachid Tahiri (Direction of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Green Economy, Ministry in charge of Sustainable Development Morocco), Misiga Pavel (Head of Unit: European CommissionDirectorate-General for Research and Innovation)
Realizing circularity for a just transition towards net-zero economies in the Mediterranean (MedWAVES, UNEP/MAP)
16 November 2022, 15:00 – 16:00 (UTC+2, CET+1)
The objective of this panel is to raise awareness on circular strategies to reduce emissions and carbon-neutral alternatives in key value-chains for the Mediterranean economy: food, construction and plastics. The panelists will also explore crucial cross-border and cross-sectoral partnerships needed to action system changes. The event will reflect on the nexus between Circular Economy and GHG emissions reduction, exploring the net-zero potential of key value chains, based on circularity strategies and the intersecting multiple opportunities for social and economic development.
Speakers and panellists: tbc
Climate Change and Biodiversity: what Science says, how Media tell (RAI Panel)
16 November 2022, 17:30 – 18:30 (UTC+2, CET+1)
The RAI is organising a debate between journalists and scientists on how to make climate change, loss of biodiversity and all the consequences easily comprehensible and understandable and how to create an impact in social awarenes.
Speakers and panellists: Nathalie Hilmi (Monaco Scientific Centre, Monaco – IPCC author and MedECC author),
The Mediterranean Pavilion

Located in the COP 27 Blue Zone, the Mediterranean Pavilion will host relevant events and working meetings and provide an exceptional opportunity to highlight these severe challenges as well as to illustrate, share, scale up and discuss the advanced initiatives for adaptation and mitigation applied and planned in this multi-national and multi-cultural region.
The Mediterranean Pavilion is conceived as a space for all regional actors – public and private, scientific and academic, technical, policymaking, civil society, finance, and business – actively engaged in facing the climate crisis in and around the Mediterranean Sea. The initiative is led by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) together with the United Nations Environment Programme – Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP-MAP) and two of its regional activity centers, Plan Bleu and MedWaves, the PRIMA Foundation, along with a coalition of the most relevant organizations dealing with climate action in the region.