23rd Meeting (COP23) of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols

The Contracting Parties endorsed the Summary for policymakers of the MedECC Special Report on Climate and Environmental Coastal Risks by MedECC.

UNEP/MAP PRESS RELEASE I Barcelona Convention COP23 commits to a green transition in the Mediterranean, Portoroz, 8 December 2023

UN Barcelona Convention COP23 Commits to a Green Transition in the Mediterranean, Earth Org, 11 December 2023

COP 23 | Science-based environmental policymaking, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)/Earth Negotiations Bulletin. Interview of Piero Lionello, co-coordinator of MedECC Special Report on climate and environmental coastal risks in the Mediterranean, 6 December 2023.

Klimaextreme am Mittelmeer: „Wenn das die Zukunft ist, dann haben wir ein ernsthaftes Problem“, Interview of Wolfgang Cramer, co-coordinator of MedECC, in RiffReporter, 7 November 2023 (Germany)

Expert reaction to attribution study for the flooding disasters in Libya and Greece, as published by World Weather Attribution (WWA) , in Science Media Center, 19 September 2023

La Méditerranée en première ligne face au changement climatique, in L’Opinion, 30 August 2023 (France).Interview of Joël Guiot, co-coordinator of MedECC that offers a clear insight on climate change and interconnected risks to sustainable development in the Mediterranean. (France)

The UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention system: a legal framework for a healthier Mediterranean, in Eurofish Magazine, 23 August 2023

Das Mittelmeer: Porträt einer schönen Unbekannten – mit unsicherer Zukunft, in RiffReporter, 17 August 2023 (Germany)

Werden wir in Zukunft noch Ferien am Mittelmeer machen, Herr Cramer?, in Tages Anzeiger, 05 August 2023 (Germany)

Pourquoi le bassin méditerranéen est devenu le hotspot de la crise climatique, in Le Monde, 28 July 2023 (France)

Morze Śródziemne nigdy nie było tak gorące. Padł rekord temperatury, in Świat OZE, 26 July 2023 (Poland)

Canicule : la mer Méditerranée pourrait atteindre 30°C d’ici peu, in La Dépêche, 18 July 2023 (France)

Croisière, économie bleue, posidonie… à Marseille, Hervé Berville se jette à l’eau, in Gomet’, 15 June 2023 (France)

Méditerranée : “La France a un rôle de leadership à jouer sur l’environnement”, in L’Express 13 June 2023 (France)

«الاتحاد من أجل المتوسط» يطلق برنامجًا إقليميًا للوقاية من الكوارث الطبيعية | صحيفة الرأي, in Al Ra’i الرأي, 12 June 12 2023 (Jordan)

“Més que contrapoder, som un aliat necessari” – Interview Josep Canals, Sec General MedCities in de noticias, 08 May 2023 (Spain)

Stress hydrique au Maghreb: Comment le Maroc continue à éviter le scénario catastrophe in L’Opinion, 27 April 2023 (Morocco)

7 peligrosos fenómenos, consecuencia del cambio climático, que ponen en riesgo a España in El Plural, 26 March 2023 (Spain)

Sempre di più, sempre più diffuse: le specie invasive nel Mar Mediterraneo in Scienza in Rete, 20 Feb 2023 (Italy)

Le climat du futur questionné par des élèves de terminale gardois, IRD, 17 Feb 2023 (France)

Renovem-nos: el collectiu que reclama renovables amb participació democràtica i garanties ambientals, Nacío Digital Catalunya, 15 Feb 2023 (Catalunya, Spain)

Clima, il Mediterraneo “bolle”: è il mare che si riscalda più velocemente, Il Riformista, 12 Jan 2023 (Italy)

Anche abbattendo le emissioni il mare salirà: occorre adattarsi all’inevitabile, Futura Network, 10 Jan 2023 (Italy)

Almería puede alcanzar 50 grados en verano con el cambio climático , La Voz de Almería, 8 Jan 2023 (Italy)