The international workshop on Climate Change in the Mediterranean was held in Marseille, France, the 25th and 26th of September 2019, in the Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée – MUCEM, Fort Saint-Jean. It was organised by the LabexMed in collaboration with MedECC, Plan Bleu, SPA/RAC and MedPAN.

This 4th meeting was held within the framework of the “Ateliers de la Méditerranée cycle”. MedECC co-chaired the session 2 on the role of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in climate change adaptation. Experts from the marine and social sciences were invited to take part in the debate. This workshop aimed to give researchers the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary reflections and to pose methodological questions on the unifying theme of climate change in the Mediterranean Sea, while pursuing the objective to propose research orientations and joint lines of action for the future between scientists, managers and decision-makers.
It was organized around three sessions :
- Climate Change Monitoring Indicators (SPA/RAC & Plan Bleu)
- Role of MPAs in climate change adaptation (MedPAN & MedECC)
- Mediterranean fisheries in a context of climate change (LabexMed)