MedECC calls on effective and durable reductions of greenhouse gas emissions as well as on much stronger, fair and equitable support for adaptation policies.

DOWNLOAD (ENG) DOWNLOAD (FRA) MedECC Press Release | Marseille, 25 September 2023 — Extreme floods kill several thousands in Libya, indicating the lack of action on climate change mitigation and…

Continue ReadingMedECC calls on effective and durable reductions of greenhouse gas emissions as well as on much stronger, fair and equitable support for adaptation policies.

Call for Experts: review of the MedECC Special Report Environmental changes, conflicts and human migration

The MedECC is pleased to announce the call for experts to become a reviewer of the MedECC Special Report Environmental change, conflict and human migration. The external review is planned…

Continue ReadingCall for Experts: review of the MedECC Special Report Environmental changes, conflicts and human migration

Résumé pour tous du rapport MAR1 par le Collectif Citoyens pour le Climat / Citizens for Climate

Un résumé pour tous du Premier rapport d'évaluation sur la Méditerranée est disponible !Ce document propose un résumé en langage courant les conclusions clés du premier rapport d'évaluation sur la…

Continue ReadingRésumé pour tous du rapport MAR1 par le Collectif Citoyens pour le Climat / Citizens for Climate

!Hiring! Consultant – Information designer/graphic design expert – Assistance to the scientific Secretariat of MedECC

The MedECC Secretariat is looking for a graphic design expert (“Consultant”) specialized in the visualization and presentation of complex scientific information, to support the production of MedECC Special Reports from…

Continue Reading!Hiring! Consultant – Information designer/graphic design expert – Assistance to the scientific Secretariat of MedECC