
MedECC Coordinators

Wolfgang Cramer (CNRS, IMBE, Aix-en-Provence, France)

Professor Dr Wolfgang Cramer, environmental geographer and global ecologist, is a research director (CNRS) at the Mediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE, France). He received his academic training at the Universities of Gießen/Germany (geography, diploma 1981) and Uppsala/Sweden (plant ecology, Ph.D. 1986). From 1987 to 1993, he taught and conducted his research at the Department of Geography, Trondheim University (Norway) while also being a frequently visiting scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria). In 1992, he joined the newly founded Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Potsdam, Germany, as head of the department “Global Change and Natural Systems”, later to become the institute’s research domain “Earth System Analysis”. In 2003, he was appointed full professor of global ecology at Potsdam University. In 2011, he left Potsdam for his present position. Since 1995, he has continuously been involved in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change (IPCC). In 2017, he was elected associated member of the Académie d’Agriculture de France.

Fatima Driouech (University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Morocco)

Dr Fatima Driouech is an associate professor at the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic. She received a PhD in sciences of the universe, environment, and land surfaces from the Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse and her Engineer diploma from the National School of Meteorology, France. Before joining the University, she has been leading the National Meteorological Research Center at the Moroccan General Directorate of Meteorology then the National Climate Centre. Dr Fatima Driouech is Vice-Chair of Working Group I of the IPCC and was a lead author of the fifth IPCC report. She is a member of the management group of the WMO Commission for Services and Applications, and Co-chair of its Standing Committee on Climate Services.

Joël Guiot (CNRS, CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France)

Joël Guiot is a CNRS researcher emeritus at the European Centre for Research and Training in Environmental Geosciences (CEREGE, France). His main research work concerns the impact of past, present and future climate change on Mediterranean ecosystems. In 2008, he co-founded the ECCOREV network (Continental Ecosystems and Environmental Risks) to promote interdisciplinarity in environmental sciences, in particular with the social sciences, and in 2012 the OT-Med Laboratory of Excellence to study climate change and natural hazards in the Mediterranean basin. He launched in 2015 with W. Cramer, the Mediterranean Expert Group on Environmental and Climate Change (MedECC), to transfer scientific knowledge on climate change to societal actors on both sides of the Mediterranean. He is one of the main authors of the IPCC special report on the impact of a 1.5°C global warming (published in 2018).

MedECC Secretariat

Kasia (Katarzyna) Marini, MedECC Lead Science Officer*

Kasia Marini holds a PhD in environmental sciences (oceanography) from Aix-Marseille University (Marseille, France). She is an expert in life sciences and environment, with more than 15 years experience in project management and science outreach. She served as the scientific manager of the Laboratory of Excellence OT-Med between 2012 and 2016, and joined the MedECC as Lead Science Officer at its creation in 2015.
Contact: marini (at) medecc (dot) org

Julie Gattacceca, MedECC Science Officer **

Julie holds a PhD in environmental geosciences (geochemistry and hydrological sciences) with more than 10 years experience in environmental projects. She joined the MedECC in June 2021 for the second programme of work 2021-2023.
Contact: gattacceca (at) medecc (dot) org

Secretariat activities

  • Project management
  • Coordination of the production of 1st MedECC assessment of climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean and Special reports
  • Organising workshops
  • MedECC communication and networking
  • Support in the identification of sustainable funding

*Employed by Plan Bleu

**Employed by AIR Climat and funded by Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) thanks to the financial support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)