
MedECC Secretariat
Plan Bleu • 16e étage Tour la Marseillaise • 2 bis, Boulevard Euroméditerranée • Quai d’Arenc • 13002 Marseille • France

The MedECC Secretariat is currently, and since, 2018 officially hosted by Plan Bleu, a UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre, in Marseille, France. The role of the Secretariat is to lead and perform the administrative, technical, scientific and logistic tasks to ensure the implementation of the MedECC work programme.

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MedECC secretariat officers

Katarzyna Marini

Katarzyna Marini

MedECC Secretariat / France

Plan Bleu / France

Kasia Marini holds a PhD in environmental sciences (oceanography) from Aix-Marseille University (Marseille, France). She is an expert in life sciences and environment, with more than 15 years experience in project management and science outreach. She served as the scientific manager of the Laboratory of Excellence OT-Med between 2012 and 2016, and joined the MedECC as Lead Science Officer at its creation in 2015.

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Julie Gattacceca

Julie Gattacceca

MedECC Secretariat / France

Association AIR Climat / France

Julie holds a PhD in environmental geosciences, with specialized expertise in geochemistry and hydrological sciences, and more than 10 years experience in environmental projects. She joined the MedECC in June 2021 as a Lead Science Officer.

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