Adaptation of 
health systems to climate-related migration in Sub-Saharan Africa (article)

Abstract Health systems worldwide need to be adapted to cope with growing numbers of migrants and to climate-exacerbated morbidity. Heatwaves, water stress, desertification, flooding, and sea level rise are environmental…

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health systems to climate-related migration in Sub-Saharan Africa (article)
Read more about the article Towards robust pan-European storm surge forecasting (article)

Towards robust pan-European storm surge forecasting (article)

Fernández-Montblanc, T., Vousdoukas, M.I., Ciavola, P., Voukouvalas, E., Mentaschi, L., Breyiannis, G., 
Feyen, L., Salamon, P., 2019. Towards robust pan-European storm surge forecasting. Ocean Model. 133,129–144. doi: Highlights A surge-tidal,…

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