Plan Bleu National Focal Points Meeting

The Plan Bleu National Focal Points are meeting to review the implementation of the Plan Bleu work program and to discuss and approve the proposed work program for the next biennium, before its submission to the meeting of the Focal Points of the Mediterranean Action Plan. MedECC activities connect directly to the Medium-Term Strategy 2022-2027 of the Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP-MAP) and its Work Program.

MedECC was represented by Kasia Marini, Lead Scientific Officer (MedECC Secretariat/Plan Bleu). She highligted MedECC communications and outreach activities in order to disseminate the findings of the first mediterranean assessment report. She presented the current development of the three Special Reports on 1) coastal climate and environmental risks, 2) the link between climate, water, energy, food and ecosystems (WEFE), and 3) environmental change, conflict and human migration. The Focal Points will participate in the next phase of consultation of the Summary for Policymakers by government representatives and stakehdolers.

This was an excellent opportunity to highlight the ongoing efforts of hundreds of volunteer scientists and experts to update the assessment of scientific knowledge, including the lack of information, on the challenges of climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean, and to make it accessible to decision-makers to support informed policy making.

To know more about the focal points meeting

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