Plenary consultation on the draft Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the MedECC Special Report on coastal risks

About the report

The Special Report on environmental and climate coastal risks in the Mediterranean responds to a strategic decision by the MedECC Steering Committee to produce three Special Reports focusing on specific issues identified after the publication of the First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) in November 2020. The Special Report identifies and assesses environmental and climate change hazards in the coastal zone of the Mediterranean Basin, related risks, adaptation options and solutions crucial for the region’s sustainability. It includes the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) composed of headline statements and a high-level summary and narrative of key findings. A total of 55 authors from 17 countries volunteered their expertise and time without any economic compensation to produce the Report and its SPM. This diverse team of leading experts and scientists span various research fields, ensuring a holistic and multidisciplinary perspective on coastal risks.

Rigorous Review Process

The Special Report underwent several stages of drafting and reviews, including an external peer review of the First Order Draft and the draft SPM conducted between May and July 2023. The draft SPM also underwent consultation with governments, decision-makers, and stakeholders in June-July 2023. This extensive consultation resulted in a significant influx of comments—801 for the longer report and 320 for the SPM. The authors dedicated time between August and October 2023 to address all comments and refine the report accordingly. The Plenary consultation of the revised SPM is the conclusion of the stakeholder review. The publication of the Special Report is planned for 2024 after final implementation of the comments received and finalisation of the underlying report.

Culmination of science-policy dialogue in Plenary Consultation

The pivotal online plenary consultation on 6 November 2023, marked the SPM’s final stage. Engaging policymakers and stakeholders, it aimed to ensure that the remarks from the consultation were well adressed and that the SPM present the key findings in a fully comprehensible and unambiguous way. The constructive discussions lead to agreed-upon changes now implemented in the SPM. At the end of the meeting the conclusions and recommendations were adopted. The final report will be published in 2024, after the SPM submission for endorsment at the COP 23 of the Barcelona Convetion to be held in Slovenia (5-8 December 2023).

Participants in the Plenary Session

This event gathered 65 participants and representatives from 20 countries and organisations. Key stakeholders actively participated in the plenary session, representing diverse organizations and regions. Participants included Focal Points of the Union for the Mediterranean Climate Change Expert Group (UfM CCEG) and the UfM Environment Task Force, Focal Points of Plan Bleu/Regional Activity Centre (UNEP/MAP), Members of the Steering Committee of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD), MedECC Coordinators, Secretariat, Steering Committee members, and Coordinating Lead Authors. Additionally, representatives from Plan Bleu, UNEP/MAP, and UfM Secretariat played crucial roles in enriching the dialogue. 

Facilitation and Coordination

The event’s coordination involved the MedECC Scientific Secretariat, the UfM Secretariat, UNEP/MAP Secretariat, and Plan Bleu. Chaired by Lina Tode (Deputy Director, Plan Bleu) and Grammenos Mastrojeni (Deputy Secretary General, UfM Secretariat), it fostered collaboration among key stakeholders.

Download the agenda

Conclusions and recommendations


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