Restoring Mediterranean Wetlands – The new policymaker’s playbook for sustainable management and ecosystem restoration by 2030

Restoring Mediterranean Wetlands is a new policymaker’s handbook for sustainable management and conservation of water by 2030. The guide is shaped as a playbook and is available to download for free here.

In this handbook, experts in the field share experiences and case studies of integrated restoration using Nature-based Solutions and how to set clear objectives, identify priorities and undertake continuous evaluation as well opportunities to transfer knowledge and upscaling throughout the mediterranean sea. It also contains tools, methodologies and checklists for planners to ensure they’ve thought of everything that needs to happen before, during and after any wetlands restoration project. The Press Release reminds that nearly 25% of the Mediterranean’s remaining wetlands are artificial, and more than 50% of the basin’s coastal waters have failed Good Conservation standards as set out by the European Water Framework Directive. There is a real opportunity to change this with smart investment in this natural resource and warn about the cost of ineffective water management. Through better planning and understanding the wetlands’ resilience can be increased and water quality improved.

This handbook has been prepared in the framework of the project “Strengthening the restoration of Mediterranean Wetlands for nature and people” funded by the MAVA Foundation. It has been coordinated by WWF Spain, MedWet and Tour du Valat in partnership with PIM Initiative and MEDSEA. The project is part of the Wetlands-Based Solutions initiative funded by the MAVA Foundation.

[Press release]

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