MedECC is now working on a series of new special reports including a report on coastal risks. This new report follows the first Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) on environmental and climate change in the Mediterranean , which has been recently published by MedECC. The scoping meeting on the MedECC special report on coastal risks was held online on July 12th and 13th (9:30-12:30, Paris time). The workshop brought together experts from the widest possible range of scientific domains concerned by the coastal risks the Mediterranean. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the scope of the report, the issues to be addressed and its structure. An outcome of this meeting is a tentative report outline.
Second Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR2) – Call for Experts and Pre-scoping Survey
The MedECC is launching the preparation of the Second Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR2). MAR2 aims to provide updated scientific knowledge and comprehensive understanding of climate