Sustainable development has emerged as a new paradigm for States and organizations. The UN SDGs, the Paris Agreement, and the various COPs have entrenched the need to transform production and consumption patterns by adopting more sustainable practices.
In the Euro-Mediterranean zone, Morocco has been particularly involved in the challenge of climate change (organization of the COP22, implementation of the Ouarzazate solar power station, active policy for the promotion of renewable energies and national strategy to fight climate change in all its forms), as well as in the development of an intense cooperation on this subject, particularly at the African level.
It is for this reason that the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez, itself an eco- campus, has taken the initiative to organize in collaboration with the European Institute of the Mediterranean, a think tank strongly committed to sustainable development issues, a workshop in Fez on the topic of “Sustainability: Towards a New Paradigm of Development in the Euro-Mediterranean Area”.
In this context, various contributions related to the sustainable development strategy approaches, the energy transition, the circular economy, the participatory approaches, and the dynamics of climate change were presented.
The preliminary results of the 1st Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) prepared by the MedECC have been presented by the MedECC Science Officer, Dr Kasia Marini.
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